The Snail Circus

Produced in spring 2022, il Circo delle Lumache (Snail Circus) is a whimsical celebration of snails and their amazing abilities. A miniature circus installation doubles as a multisensory micro-museum, provoking visitors to slow down and enter into the very different sensory space of snail time. When most people think about snails at all, they typically imagine either a garden nuisance or a culinary delicacy. The Snail Circus repositions them as talented protagonists of an extravagant miniature world. It invites us to convene with these creatures for a few moments as simply fellow inhabitants on this earth, with whom we have co-existed and co-evolved for centuries.

Snail Petting Zoo

Meet the snail protagonists up close and personal in our petting zoo! You’ll learn the do’s and don’ts of petting and picking up snails, and can even participate in snail feeding time.

Snail Mail

Throughout the run of the Snail Circus, people could write to the snail protagonists from anywhere in the world to have their letter read to either an individual snail or the whole troupe. The bricks-and-mortar Snail Mail post office furnished snail-sized envelopes and paper. The service is a play on the colloquial English phrase “snail mail” to specify conventional mail sent via post rather than e-mail.