Online Voting x Black Carpet Awards

Held annually in conjunction with Milan Fashion Week, the Black Carpet Awards celebrates the trailblazers championing diversity and inclusion across the realms of culture, community, creativity, entrepreneurship, and legacy, alongside special awards. Up to two winners are chosen in each category, one selected by a prestigious professional jury and the other via a public People’s Choice vote.

The challenge

For a luxury event like the Black Carpet Awards, every detail should feel sensual and honorific. Online voting was a natural fit to ease the process for the busy lives of jury members, but how can an online voting process stand out as a luxurious experience in and of itself?

The solutions


Both the jury and people’s choice voting forms were customized from start to finish to match the event’s overall brand. Hidden data fields and personalized links ensured that jury members were instantly recognized and greeted when arriving to the form without needing to type in their name or email address. A dynamically updated results report made it easy for the organizing team to check who had and hadn’t completed voting, sending gentle reminders where needed.


An overview of each candidate was linked alongside and within the voting forms, providing on-demand access to information that could help voters make their selections.

Native translation support remains widely lacking on most digital platforms but People’s Choice voting was available in both English and Italian, widening the range of people who could participate.